U.S. Water Alliance Announces Roundtable Forum on National Water Infrastructure Priorities – March 9, 2017

U.S. Water Alliance Announces Roundtable Forum on National Water Infrastructure Priorities – March 9, 2017

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The National Association of Clean Water Agencies, Water Environment Federation and the US Water Alliance are hosting a roundtable discussion Thursday March 9, 2017 from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm with water sector associations to share initial policy recommendations from the One Water for America National Listening Sessions project.  This meeting will take place at 1101 14th St NW, 2nd floor.

Over the past 6 months, the US Water Alliance has been working with partners and members to convene 13 listening sessions in Atlanta, Cleveland, Chicago, Iowa, Kansas City, San Francisco, Tucson, and more, in collaboration with NACWA, WEF, Mott Foundation, and Turner Foundation.

The One Water for America Listening Sessions have drawn upon the expertise of innovative leaders who are on the front lines of driving sustainable, integrated, and inclusive water management practices and policies. The policy framework that is being co-created through this process will equip local, state, and federal policymakers and stakeholders with an ambitious and achievable agenda that recognizes the critical role water plays in advancing economic competitiveness, community well-being, and environmental sustainability. For more information about this project please visit: http://uswateralliance.org/ initiatives/listening-sessions

The purpose of the March 9th roundtable discussion is to present preliminary policy recommendations to the water sector associations. We want your insights on the ideas that have emerged from the listening sessions, and discuss alignment with your policy efforts.   As an important leader in the water sector, we hope you can join us. Please RSVP here.   Please contact Judson Greif with questions at jgreif@uswateralliance.org.

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