Business Models & Markets Advisory

As more and more impaired waters come under the auspices of the U.S. EPA and stringent federal regulatory mandates, communities are in greater need of flexible and cost-effective approaches to meet these demands, balanced with local job creation and economic growth.

E&W works closely with industrial, municipal, agricultural, and environmental interests to identify the options and map out strategies to enhance watershed-scale improvements. E&W’s experience and credibility within this space has led to greater acceptance of the water quality trading approach and a path forward to profitably improve the quality of a watershed.

business advisory

Ecosystem Markets

Water Quality Trading

As more and more impaired waters come under the auspices of the U.S. EPA and stringent federal regulatory mandates, communities are in greater need of flexible and cost-effective approaches to meet these demands, balanced with local job creation and economic growth. E&W established the framework for a client to successfully implement an industry leading water quality trading program.

In order to complete this transaction, E&W attorneys worked closely with industrial, municipal, agricultural, and environmental interests to identify the options and map out strategies for the client to enhance watershed-scale improvements. E&W’s experience and credibility within this space led to acceptance of the water quality trading approach with the relevant stakeholders as well as a path forward to profitably improve the quality of the watershed.

Mentoring Environmental Startups

Understanding the Full Picture to Get the Project off the Ground
A group of investors came to the E&W team with a vision for purchasing and developing an ocean-bounded headland in Central America. E&W helped create a limited partnership structure for the company and worked with local counsel. We then evaluated the market for such developments and explored a buy, permit, and hold land strategy and a mixed-use development approach. After helping secure water quality and water quantity permits, and a tectonics evaluation we recommended a buy, permit, and hold approach. E&W then helped make introductions to various potential buyers. Ultimately, the project was sold to a major hotel builder with the transaction meeting all of the client’s objectives.
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