The Kentucky Story – How One State Solved its Water Fragmentation Problem

The Kentucky Story – How One State Solved its Water Fragmentation Problem

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As the States, Congress, the Administration and civic leaders grapple with aging infrastructure and rising costs associated with maintaining the nation’s 53,000 community water systems there is an increased call for more partnerships and regionalization of America’s highly fragmented water sector.  The State of Kentucky, in particular, has been a leader in the consolidation process, going from over 3,000 public water systems and wastewater treatment plants in the 1970s to fewer than 800 total systems today.  Gary Larimore, Executive Director, Kentucky Rural Water Association, shares his experience working with federal and state government, cities and local leaders, and stakeholders worked together to solve its fragmentation problem. Sponsored by NAWC and moderated by Brent Fewell, Founder of Earth & Water Group.

Webinar recorded earlier.

Click Here for the June 22 Webinar (advance to minute 15:20 where webinar begins)

Kentucky Story



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