E&W's Parker Reports on Fraud in EPA's Renewable Fuel Standard Program

E&W's Parker Reports on Fraud in EPA's Renewable Fuel Standard Program

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In a newly released report, E&W Strategies’ president, Doug Parker, offers a glimpse into the widespread fraud in U.S. EPA’s RFS program and the continued vulnerabilities to the environment and American taxpayers. According to Parker,

In the nearly ten years since the establishment of the RFS, the program has fallen short of its legislative goals and is in need of structural revision.  As a former senior federal law enforcement officer who initiated and oversaw a nationwide effort aimed at investigating fraud in this program, I believe the existing regulatory and oversight framework will continue to provide opportunities for illegal exploitation and lead to competitive distortions in this sector. Additionally, maintaining the regulatory status quo in this program will deprive the American public of the full energy, consumer, and environmental benefits the founding statutes sought to provide while continuing to expose U.S. taxpayers to ongoing fraud.  (Continue reading report on fraud in the RFS . . . )



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