E&W's Parker and Fewell Slated to Speak at SXSW, Austin TX

E&W's Parker and Fewell Slated to Speak at SXSW, Austin TX

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Earth & Water Group’s Doug Parker and Brent Fewell scheduled to speak at South by Southwest (SXSW) Eco in Austin, TX October 10-12, 2016.

SXSW, billed as one of the most innovative and dynamic sustainability conferences in the U.S., offers provocative programming, strategic alliances and global participation.

Doug Parker, the President of E&W Strategies and former head of EPA’s environmental crimes division has been invited to speak on Next Gen compliance risks and opportunities and risk mitigation strategies, and will be joining Cynthia Giles, head of EPA’s enforcement office, Steven Cook, Senior Corporate Counsel, LyondellBasell, and Mary Ann Grena Manley, Deputy Editorial Director, Bloomberg BNA, EHS Division.

Session: Leveraging Data and Technology to Promote Environmental Compliance (presented by Bloomberg BNA)

The emergence of accessible data and leaps in analytical capabilities have made the promise of “next generation” compliance a realistic path through the leveraging of technology to dramatically advance environmental protection.  To date, the next gen mantra has been seen as a way to use technology to enforce against noncompliance, or with NGOs applying such tools to identify private organization misconduct, but it may also be used to incentivize compliance. Looking ahead, federal and state regulators have critical policy choices to make as they begin to apply these technological advances to their environmental protection missions.  This panel will discuss how relevant data and technology is currently being used and how it is likely to shape the future of environmental compliance.

Brent Fewell, Founder of E&W Group, will be speaking on the causes and solutions to our nation’s current water infrastructure crisis, and will join Bech Brunn, Chairman of Texas Water Development Board, Laura Huffman, TNC, and Paul Stinson of Bloomberg BNA.

Session: Addressing the Challenges of Aging Water Infrastructure: The Road Forward (presented by Bloomberg BNA) 

The challenges of Flint have demonstrated the public health costs of navigating aging water infrastructure on the cheap amid limited public financial resources. Tales of cities dealing with breaking pipes and failing water infrastructure are becoming increasingly commonplace – events amplified even further by an increasingly hotter climate and growing populations. This panel will address the challenges and opportunities of both repairing and growing U.S. water infrastructure — with an eye toward solutions that focus on financing, innovation and the potential roles that business in public private partnerships (P3s) can play.


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