Earth & Water Group and Reason Foundation Host Capitol Hill Briefing on P3s and Water Infrastructure

Earth & Water Group and Reason Foundation Host Capitol Hill Briefing on P3s and Water Infrastructure


E&W and Reason Foundation will host a facilitated discussion on the role of public-private partnerships (P3s) in the water sector.  As Senate and House Members and the various committees explore ways to help address our aging water infrastructure, the opportunities for P3 collaborations continue to grow. P3s can help increase local investment, leverage innovation, and offer greater flexibility in providing water and wastewater services. The discussion will also explore how the Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) of 2016, can support private sector participation to encourage innovative water technologies, such as desalination, water reuse and recycling, to address drought and other serious water resource challenges, and how P3s are being used in communities to achieve shared goals and outcomes.

When:  September 26, noon – 1 p.m. (box lunches provided, beginning at 11:30)
Where:  2167 Rayburn House Office Building

Discussion Leaders:

Rich Anderson, Senior Advisor, U.S. Conference of Mayors (Invited)
Michael Deane, Executive Director, National Association of Water Companies
Brent Fewell, Chair, Earth & Water Group (Moderator)
Tracy Mehan, Executive Director of Government Affairs, American Water Work Association
Dr. Adrian Moore, Vice President of Policy, The Reason Foundation

Staff and interested parties please RSVP to Ken Maynard at Earth & Water Group (

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