Workshop on Maryland Nutrient Trading/Tracking (MNTT) Maryland Department of Agriculture March 15, 1-4 p.m. at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD

Workshop on Maryland Nutrient Trading/Tracking (MNTT) Maryland Department of Agriculture March 15, 1-4 p.m. at Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD

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The Agricultural Certainty and Trading Programs use the state-specific version, the Maryland Nutrient Trading/Tracking Tool or MNTT, of the multi-state platform known as the Chesapeake Bay Trading/Tracking Tool or CBNTT to determine baseline eligibility and/or credit generation capacity.  MDA has just completed a re-calibration of the MNTT to reflect the updated APEX model and some changes in the way grazing rotations are entered in the tool. Individuals who would like to learn how to use the calculation tool, as well as those who would like to become or remain Certified Verifiers under the education requirement for both programs, can gain the necessary proficiency (and credits) in the use of the MNTT by attending one of two training sessions scheduled next month.

MDA will hold the first workshop on Tuesday, March 14, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland and the second on Wednesday, March 15, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. at Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, Maryland.  The three-hour session will consist of MNTT training, individual practice with the tool, and Certainty Program training (only for those wishing to become Certified Verifiers).  More information and directions will be forwarded in advance of the workshops.

Participant should bring a current Nutrient Management Plan, and updated Soil Conservation and Water Quality Plan, and if applicable, a Waste Storage Management Plan for the property to entered into the calculation tool (note that these documents are confidential and will require permission from the farmer or landowner to use them).  Those without access to these materials will be provided with inputs for a fictional farm so that they can learn how the tool works.  Everyone planning to participate in the workshops will need to have an online account established in advance of the training dates.  Accounts can be opened by going to the trading website,, clicking on the “Login to CBNTT,” and following the instructions found there.  All data and worksheets can be saved under password protection, and real farm entries can be used to complete applications for the Certainty or Trading Programs.

The workshops are open to Soil Conservation District personnel, farmers, landowners, and others with an interest in one or both programs.  Since space is limited to only twenty participants, those who would like to attend should contact Susan Payne, MDA’s Coordinator of the Ecosystem Markets and Certainty Programs, at ASAP but no later than noon on Friday, March 10.

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