Washington DC – Israel Water Summit, June 30

Washington DC – Israel Water Summit, June 30

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Washington D.C. – Israel Water Summit: “Israel and the Global Water Crisis: Practical Approaches”

Thursday, June 30, 2016 Registration 8:00 am • Water Summit 8:30 am – 3:00 pm Hogan Lovells, LLP Conference Center 555 13th Street NW • Washington, D.C. 20004 Register by June 17 at jnf.org/dcwatersummit.

Both a national and global water crisis are upon us. Israel has been at the forefront of water solutions including desalination, drip irrigation, water purification and reuse, for several decades. Jewish National Fund has played a central role in Israel’s water achievements—and continues to do so. To share Israel’s technological advancements and accomplishments in water “technology” with the U.S., JNF invites you to its exclusive Washington D.C. – Israel Water Summit.

Hear from water expert Seth M. Siegel, author of Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a WaterStarved World as he delivers his keynote speech. Our program will also feature high-level water professionals and experts including:

Prof. Eilon Adar, Alain PÖHER Chair in Hydrogeology and Arid Zones, Zuckerberg Institute for Water Research, Blaustein Institutes for Desert Research, Ben-Gurion University
Reuven Azar, Deputy Head of Mission, Israel Embassy D.C.
Will Baker, President Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Christy Goldfuss, Managing Director, White House Council on Environmental Quality (Invited)
Christian Holmes, USAID Global Water Coordinator
Greg Koch, Coca Cola Senior Director of Global Water Stewardship
Dr. Clive Lipchin, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies
Michael H. Shapiro, Deputy Assistant Administrator, Office of Water U.S. EPA

No cost to attend • Registration includes a copy of Let There Be Water
Kosher boxed lunches will be served
For more information, contact Stuart Diamant-Cohen at sdcohen@jnf.org or 301.589.8565 x 841.

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