Pew Poll – Public Divided Over Environmental Regulation and Energy Policy

Pew Poll – Public Divided Over Environmental Regulation and Energy Policy

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A recent Pew poll assessing public attitudes on energy and the environment indicates that Americans are increasingly supportive of environmental protection while at the same time, expressing support for reasonably priced  energy.   Any company with a long term view should take particular note of the generational divide when it comes to environmental protection.  59% of 18-29 years-olds called protecting the environment as part of energy development a “top priority” versus 43% of those over 65.  Those are your customers of today and tomorrow, and their attitudes will drive their economic choices in the years ahead.

Americans lean toward regulations – not economic markets alone – as the most effective way to increase reliance on renewable energy, but they are evenly split on the question of whether fewer regulations can be used to protect air and water.

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