Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association Webinar

Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association Webinar

joe dawley

Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association Webinar

Dawley Offers Advice on Responding to Notices of Violations at the Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas Association Webinar

On August 19, 2020, Joe Dawley gave a presentation where he provided some practical tips for
preparing responses to notices of violation at the Pennsylvania Independent Oil and Gas
Association’s Water and Waste Technical Training Webinar. In Joe’s presentation, he provided
an update on Pennsylvania Attorney General Josh Shapiro’s investigation into the shale gas
industry and the environmental crime charges against oil and gas companies that the Attorney
General’s Office has filed since the release of the Statewide Investigating Grand Jury report on the shale gas industry. Joe also gave an update on Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection enforcement trends in the oil and gas sector. Lastly, Joe provided some practical tips and advice for responding to oil and gas incidents and responding to notices of violations issued by the PADEP. If you would like to learn more about oil and gas compliance or get a copy of Joe’s presentation, please email him at

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