National Drinking Water Advisory Committee makes recommendations to EPA on Revisions to Lead & Copper Rule

National Drinking Water Advisory Committee makes recommendations to EPA on Revisions to Lead & Copper Rule

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In light of the human health crisis in Flint Michigan, the NDWAC’s recommendations to EPA’s leadership on the lead and copper rule is none too timely. NDWAC – Recommendations to the Administrator Dec. 15, 2015.   As public health specialists have concluded, lead in any amount is harmful to humans.   There is no silver bullets that will ensure that another Flint does not happen again.  However, there are important steps that State and local officials can take, with EPA oversight, that will help, thereby ensuring greater confidence in our public water systems. In the case of Flint, simply ensuring that an effective corrosion control program was in place after the City switched water sources would have gone a long way toward avoiding this human tragedy.

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