GOP Debate Shines Light on Water Infrastructure Crisis

GOP Debate Shines Light on Water Infrastructure Crisis

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The recent Fox News GOP had more lowlights than highlights, but one of the latter was a mention of the water crisis in Flint and the need to do a better job of providing clean water, and reinvesting in and maintaining our nation’s water delivery system.  Bret Baier, one of the moderators, asked the candidates “Why haven’t GOP candidates done more or talked more about this?”  A Facebook word cloud used by Fox’s Baier of issues that Michigan residents are concerned about summed it up.  It’s time Congress makes water infrastructure a priority.  This past week, Senators Menendez (D-NJ) and Crapo (R-ID), introduced a bipartisan bill, S. 2606, which if enacted would help to fix this problem by removing the state volume cap on tax-exempt private activity bonds, commonly used to build schools, highways, airports, and community water systems.

Flint Water





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