E&W Partner John Irving quoted,
“Biden EPA Sends Early Signal of Tough Pollution Enforcement”

E&W Partner John Irving quoted,
“Biden EPA Sends Early Signal of Tough Pollution Enforcement”

John Irving

Excerpt from article featured in Bloomberg Law


May 28, 2022

Chemical facilities using ethylene oxide, heavy metal plants, and refineries with low emission points near environmental justice communities are also potential targets for more aggressive enforcement, attorneys and former EPA officials say.

Refineries and other plants with fence lines at the border of low-income areas or communities of color “would be wise” to make sure they are in full compliance under this new administration, said Earth & Water Law LLC partner John Irving.

“We will see EJ considerations used for enforcement targeting, increased monitoring, and the use of enforcement tools like injunctive relief and Supplemental Environmental Projects in settlements,” Irving said in an email.

To read the full article, click here

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