EPA Seeks Nominations for New Members of the Environmental Financial Advisory Board

EPA Seeks Nominations for New Members of the Environmental Financial Advisory Board

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The U.S. EPA is soliciting new members to its Environmental Financial Advisory Board (EFAB), which is a long-standing federal advisory committee that is charged with providing critical analysis and input to EPA’s administrator.   EFAB’s efforts will be will be particularly critical to the incoming Administration as it seeks to change business as usual.

Nominations should include a resume describing the professional and educational qualifications of the nominee as well as their experience.  Contact details should include full name and title, business mailing address, telephone number and email address.  A supporting letter of endorsement is encouraged but not required.

Nominations should be submitted to  Alecia F. Crichlow, Program Analyst

Office of Water no later than February 10, 2017, via email at crichlow.alecia@epa.gov


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