Press Release February 25, 2016
Carl Artman appointed to Earth & Water Group’s Advisory Board
Earth & Water Group announced this week the appointment of Carl Artman. According to Brent Fewell, Chairman of Earth & Water Group, “We are extremely excited to have Carl join our Board. Carl is one of the nation’s leading lawyers on Indian Law and has a significant practice in energy and environmental law with a focus on natural resources development in Indian country.”
Carl served as the tenth Assistant Secretary – Indian Affairs at the U.S. Department of the Interior. He also served as the Department’s Associate Solicitor for Indian Affairs and chief counsel for his tribe, the Oneida Nation. Carl also serves as a faculty associate at the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University.
Carl received a B.A. from Columbia College, an MBA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, a J.D. from the Washington University – St. Louis, MO, and an LLM in Natural Resources and Environmental Law from the University of Denver.