Clean Coal Futures?

Clean Coal Futures?

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Is Southern Co.’s announced cessation of carbon capture efforts at its Kemper County, Mississippi power plant an indication of the U.S. future for carbon capture?

Even with the current administration expressing support for carbon capture and clean coal technologies, such as Southern Co.’s Kemper County coal gasification plant, carbon capture implementation still faces many uncertainties, from scale up and implementation issues arising from the technologies themselves to financing and rate structures.  These issues, as well as carbon use and sequestration (collectively “CCUS”), will be discussed July 17-20, 2017 at the Carbon Management Technology Conference, in Houston, Texas, where Earth & Water Law’s Mary Ellen Ternes will present a panel discussion regarding transition issues and the CCUS legal and policy landscape, nationally and internationally.

For more information, contact:  Mary Ellen Ternes, (405) 286-2042.


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