Community Wins $22M Against Shell Oil for Contaminated Water Supply

Community Wins $22M Against Shell Oil for Contaminated Water Supply

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A jury awarded $22M to a community near Fresno, California for a chemical contaminant found in its public drinking water wells.  The contaminant, known as TCP (1,2,3-trichloropropane), was an impurity found in a soil fumigant manufactured by Shell used to control soil nematodes.  The contamination effected water wells in an agricultural area serving 108,000 people in the City of Clovis.

TCP is not currently regulated, and although is not listed as a human carcinogen, it has been linked to cancer in animals.  The highest levels detected were 33 parts per trillion (ppt), which exceeds California’s public health goal of 0.7 ppt.

The jury award will go toward replacing the contaminated water supplies.  More details regarding the litigation can be found here.

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